Class CreateChildrenStructureMacro

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CreateChildrenStructureMacro
    extends AbstractMacro

    create a children page structure under the current page. the structure is defined in the template in macro forder in children-structure.txt. sample file structure :

    • > : for create a child of the previous page
    • < : for create a parent of the previous page
    • = : for create a brother of the previous page
    • c: : for content of the previous page. (format:MacroHelper.insertContent(ContentContext, MenuElement, String))
    • [parent] : replace with the name of the parent.
    • [random] : replace with random id.
    • [root] : the root page (current page when macro is executed.
    • [CR] : carriage return.
    Patrick Vandermaesen
    • Constructor Detail

      • CreateChildrenStructureMacro

        public CreateChildrenStructureMacro()