Class CRLFOutputStream

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Closeable, Flushable, AutoCloseable

    public class CRLFOutputStream
    extends FilterOutputStream
    A Filter for use with SMTP or other protocols in which lines must end with CRLF. Converts every "isolated" occourency of \r or \n with \r\n RFC 2821 #2.3.7 mandates that line termination is CRLF, and that CR and LF must not be transmitted except in that pairing. If we get a naked LF, convert to CRLF.
    • Field Detail

      • statusLast

        protected int statusLast
        Counter for number of last (0A or 0D).
      • startOfLine

        protected boolean startOfLine
    • Constructor Detail

      • CRLFOutputStream

        public CRLFOutputStream​(OutputStream out)
        Constructor that wraps an OutputStream.
        out - the OutputStream to be wrapped