Class Module.EmptyAction

    • Constructor Detail

      • EmptyAction

        public EmptyAction()
    • Method Detail

      • getActionGroupName

        public String getActionGroupName()
        Description copied from interface: IAction
        the group name of the action
        Specified by:
        getActionGroupName in interface IAction
        a group name.
      • prepare

        public String prepare​(ContentContext ctx,
                              ModulesContext moduleContext)
        Description copied from interface: IModuleAction
        method called before module rendering
        Specified by:
        prepare in interface IModuleAction
        ctx - the current context.
        moduleContext - the context of the module. You can call getCurrentModule for recover the module.
        eventually the error message
      • haveRight

        public Boolean haveRight​(javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session,
                                 User user)
        Description copied from interface: IModuleAction
        check if a specific user can use the module.
        Specified by:
        haveRight in interface IModuleAction
        true if access, false if no access and null if this method can't determine access. If access is not determined by the action javlo will take the user group in