Class ComponentLayout

  • public class ComponentLayout
    extends Object
    represent a simple layout. center, left, right, justify, bold, italic...
    • Constructor Detail

      • ComponentLayout

        public ComponentLayout​(String layout)
    • Method Detail

      • getLayout

        public String getLayout()
      • isLeft

        public boolean isLeft()
      • setLeft

        public void setLeft​(boolean left)
      • isRight

        public boolean isRight()
      • setRight

        public void setRight​(boolean right)
      • isCenter

        public boolean isCenter()
      • setCenter

        public void setCenter​(boolean center)
      • isJustify

        public boolean isJustify()
      • setJustify

        public void setJustify​(boolean justify)
      • isBold

        public boolean isBold()
      • setBold

        public void setBold​(boolean bold)
      • isItalic

        public boolean isItalic()
      • setItalic

        public void setItalic​(boolean italic)
      • isUnderline

        public boolean isUnderline()
      • setUnderline

        public void setUnderline​(boolean underline)
      • isLineThrough

        public boolean isLineThrough()
      • setLineThrough

        public void setLineThrough​(boolean lineTrough)
      • getFont

        public String getFont()
      • setFont

        public void setFont​(String font)
      • getStyle

        public String getStyle()
        get the layout as css style.
      • getCssClass

        public String getCssClass()
        get the layout as css style.