Class GenericForm

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Comparable<IContentVisualComponent>, IAction, IContentVisualComponent, IRestItem
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class GenericForm
    extends AbstractVisualComponent
    implements IAction
    store html form in csv file and send email with parameters. For use this component you need to create a renderer with a html form. this form need at least two field : <input type="hidden" name="webaction" value="gform-registering.submit" />
    <input type="hidden" name="comp_id" value="${}" />
    . You can define required field with uppercase letter : "Firstname" > requierd, "firstname" > not requiered. for use captacha you need to tag : <img src="${info.captchaURL}" alt="captcha" /></label>
    <input type="text" id="captcha" name="captcha" value="" />

    JSTL variable :

    Local JSTL
    • ci18n : local i18n map.

    keys for message and config can be use in content

    • captcha : true for use captacha
    • error.required : error message if requiered field is'nt filled.
    • error.captcha : message if catacha value is'nt correct.
    • message.thanks : confirmation message.
    • field.fake : name of fake field.
    Patrick Vandermaesen