Class BusinessHelper

  • public class BusinessHelper
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • BusinessHelper

        public BusinessHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
      • getTimeArray

        public static String[][] getTimeArray​(I18nAccess i18nAccess)
        get a array for same precalculed date in the past (one day later, one week later...)
        i18nAccess - a access to translation
        a array of string and date (date as string)
      • getTimeArrayInView

        public static String[][] getTimeArrayInView​(I18nAccess i18nAccess)
        get a array for same precalculed date in the past (one day later, one week later...)
        i18nAccess - a access to translation
        a array of string and date (date as string)