Class I18nAccess

    • Method Detail

      • getCurrentModule

        public Module getCurrentModule()
      • getComponentText

        public String getComponentText​(String componentPath,
                                       String key)
      • getContentViewText

        public String getContentViewText​(String key)
      • getContentViewText

        public String getContentViewText​(String key,
                                         String defaultValue)
      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
      • getTest

        public String getTest()
      • getText

        public String getText​(String key,
                              Map<?,​?> balises)
        replace the balise in text, value of balise is defined in the map. you can defined a balise as : ${balise_name}, this balise is replace with the value of balise name in the map. if the value is not found the balise is not replaced.
        key - the key of i18n text
        balises - in map with [ balise_name, balise_value ]
        a string with balise replace.
      • getText

        public String getText​(String key,
                              String[][] balises)
        replace the balise in text, value of balise is defined in the array. you can defined a balise as : ${balise_name}, this balise is replace with the value of balise name in the array. if the value is not found the balise is not replaced.
        key - the key of i18n text
        balises - in array with [ balise_name, balise_value ]
        a string with balise replace.
      • getCalendarView

        public Map<String,​String> getCalendarView()
        return trad for calendar
      • getCalendarEdit

        public Map<String,​String> getCalendarEdit()
        return trad for calendar
      • getViewText

        public String getViewText​(String key,
                                  Map<?,​?> balises)
        replace the balise in text, value of balise is defined in the map. you can defined a balise as : ${balise_name}, this balise is replace with the value of balise name in the map. if the value is not found the balise is not replaced.
        key - the key of i18n text
        balises - in map with [ balise_name, balise_value ]
        a string with balise replace.
      • getViewText

        public String getViewText​(String key,
                                  String[][] balises)
        replace the balise in text, value of balise is defined in the array. you can defined a balise as : ${balise_name}, this balise is replace with the value of balise name in the array. if the value is not found the balise is not replaced.
        key - the key of i18n text
        balises - in array with [ balise_name, balise_value ]
        a string with balise replace.
      • getEditLg

        public String getEditLg()
      • resetForceEditLg

        public void resetForceEditLg()
      • isDisplayKey

        public boolean isDisplayKey()
      • getContextKey

        public String getContextKey()
      • setContextKey

        public void setContextKey​(String contextKey)
      • setRequestMap

        public void setRequestMap​(Map<String,​String> requestMap)
      • resetRequestMap

        public void resetRequestMap()