Class MessageRepository

  • public class MessageRepository
    extends Object
    contain the list of message.
    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static final MessageRepository getInstance​(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
      • forwardMessage

        public String forwardMessage​(String url)
        forward the main globalMessage to the next request (for forwarding).
        url - a url to page
        the same url with globalmessage as parameter
      • getRawGlobalMessage

        public String getRawGlobalMessage()
      • getParameterName

        public String getParameterName()
      • setGlobalMessage

        public void setGlobalMessage​(GenericMessage globalMessage)
        set a new global message. if the type of the current message is more important or equal the new message is ignored.
        globalMessage - a global message
      • setGlobalMessageForced

        public void setGlobalMessageForced​(GenericMessage globalMessage)
        set a new global message. if the type of the current message is more important or equal the new message is ignored.
        globalMessage - a global message
      • setGlobalMessageAndNotificationToAll

        public void setGlobalMessageAndNotificationToAll​(ContentContext ctx,
                                                         GenericMessage globalMessage,
                                                         boolean admin)
        set a new global message. if the type of the current message is more important or equal the new message is ignored.
        globalMessage - a global message
      • setGlobalMessageAndNotification

        public void setGlobalMessageAndNotification​(ContentContext ctx,
                                                    GenericMessage globalMessage,
                                                    boolean admin)
        set a new global message. if the type of the current message is more important or equal the new message is ignored.
        globalMessage - a global message
      • clearGlobalMessage

        public void clearGlobalMessage()
      • haveMessages

        public boolean haveMessages()
      • haveImportantMessage

        public boolean haveImportantMessage()